October 30, 20085 Comments

Holy shit Life is Good

So I landed in Portland a couple weeks ago and I'm finally settling in a bit. It's so weird being in a completely foreign place... kind of like it but also kind of unnerving. But I love this city and I'm having a great time so far. I also just got back from attending the openging to my group show at Black Maria in LA. Got to hang out with my brother Ben and went to a Halloween party courtesy of Michael Hsiung... who's an amazing guy! Had a blast.

I've also posted a couple new prints on my Etsy Store. One of them is from the recent show at Black Maria called "The Flood Brings Curious Encounter." Really love that piece. And I'm also releasing one of the pieces from Blab! #19 as a print also which is a real treat. I just got permission from them today to use one of the pieces called, "A Noble Leader Exiled, Hornless and Shamed." Awesome!

So you can go to my shop by clicking HERE or there's a nifty little sidebar that has a Mini Etsy Store. Neat.

Oh! And I also posted a couple original pieces left over from the Blab! show on my Etsy store as well.

September 24, 20081 Comment

It’s Official and it’s Awesome and 2 for1 Action

I finally worked out a place in Portland so I'll be leaving by the middle of next week. Hoorah! Three cheers for rented property to live in. So I got a lot of preparing to do before the big trek though the madness these united states.

One order of business is to lighten up my load a bit so I'm not wrestling a bunch of boxes in the cab of my truck. I'm going to try and skinny up my print stock if possible so from now until the week I move, I'm going to include a small $35 print when you buy one of the larger prints... a little 2 for 1 action. If you do buy a print this week, please let me know by email which one of the little guys you want and I'll have it over to you pronto with it's bigger buddy. Plus you'll have the added satisfaction of putting gas in my truck and sparing me horrible horrible scenarios of being stranded, crying and scared in the middle of nowhere. I imagine it would be like the show Lost but without the extremely attractive people on a beach part and instead just full of angry people beating me about the face and taking all my shit. That wouldn't be a fun trip at all.

So if you're interested, check out my Shop


September 10, 20086 Comments

Other Things

I've released a new print. I've gotten many requests to make a print for this piece over the past year so I'm finally making it available. It's a very small edition of 25 so be sure to jump on it whilst you can. Here's a link to my Etsy Store.

Kehoe Store

Speaking of Etsy, I've switched over there recently. It's mostly out of my own laziness and complete hatred of writing HTML every time I wanted to update my site. I'm actually thinking of just linking my "Paintings" section over to my Flickr page. Man, updating my new work drives me even more crazy. Sizing, resizing, jpegs, checking links... ugh! Fuck it. I'd rather spend all day painting than doing all that. Even typing about updating my site made my hands sweat and i felt a bit of puke rise up from my stomach. So yeah, it's probably gonna happen sooner than later.

Also, I'm deciding right now if I should make some t shirts or not. I've got a design ready to go but I'm going to take a little consensus and see what the demand would be for some custom shirts. Let me know what you think with a comment if you can. Should I do it?
But I know something that I am going to have out soon... Custom beer Koozies. That's gonna be great. I think all my fans must be drunks or half drunks so why not have something to hold your beers? Beautiful.

September 9, 20081 Comment

My Neglected Child of a Blog

I'm sorry Blog... I've left you hanging in the wind stirring in the dark. And there's so much to tell! Let me get you up to speed.

Last Friday, the Blab! Show opened at Copro-Nason Gallery in Los Angeles. From what I can tell, it was a huge success and quite a blast. I wish I could've made it over there for the opening, but I'm stuck here working and still trying to figure out how to get over to Portland. Moving across the country is tough business especially when finances like mine come in strange and unpredictable ways. Anyways, here's a link to the Blab! Show 2008 so you can check out all the work.

Blab! Show 2008

Also opening at Jonathan LeVine Gallery was the Panorama Project curated by Jordin Isip and Rodger Stevens. Over 129 artists participated and all the pieces share the same horizon line creating a long continuous pieces of awesomeness. Check out all the work here:

<a href="http://www.jonathanlevinegallery.com/?method=Exhibit.ExhibitDescription&
ExhibitID=FB86C9CC-19DB-5802-E0C4211518300C5B">Panorama Project 3

And now my next show is rapidly approaching and the neglect begins again. The show is called "the Wonder" and is opening at Black Maria Gallery in Los Angeles on October 17th, 2008 with Ben Kehoe and Hiro Kurata. And as an added crazy amazing bonus, Michael Hsiung is having a solo in the gallery on the same night. How cool is that? Should be a humdinger of a show and I'll definitely be there for that one.

June 23, 20082 Comments

New Print Posted and Portland Bound

I've added a new print to my Shop from my most recent show at Gallery 1988 San Francisco. I really like this new creature and I'm sure she'll pop up again in the near future. I'm now at work on my upcoming group show at Black Maria in Los Angeles that opens on October 1st. Very excited for this show and I get to share it with my brother Ben and Hiro Kurata.

I'm also in the process of moving out west. I'm most likely going to end up in Portand, Oregon... it's a place I've always wanted to check out. I'm not getting any younger so I feel like it's the right time to pack it up and give it a try. I have to be out of here in August so things are rapidly approaching and getting slightly out of control. Woah! So if any of you Portland people got any inside scoops on some apartments, please let me know. I'll be heading out that way in a couple weeks to scope out some living possibilities so hopefully I can find something. Man, I love Pittsburgh and I'll miss it here. But I'm excited to be in a new environment and I think it'll be pretty inspiring.

June 18, 20082 Comments

Group Show this Weekend!

Hi Everyone. I've got a group show coming up on Friday June 20th at Gallery 1988 San Francisco. I did two pieces for the show and I posted them on my Flickr page if anyone would like a preview. I was hoping to come over to San Fran for the show, but it a no-go. Bummer. I could go for a burrito in the Mission... mmmmm.

May 1, 20081 Comment

Please Send me Names you Kind People

Hi, I've decided to post the names of everyone that has bought an original painting of mine next to their relative pieces with a great big THANK YOU. Unfortunately, I don't know the names of most of the people that have bought my work. Even at openings, I mostly just see the mysterious red dot and maybe get a brief chat with the buyer. So if you have gotten one of my pieces, please email me you name and which piece you bought and I'll post it on my site.


April 16, 20083 Comments

New Prints for Tax Season

Well, I was sitting on my porch having a well earned smoke break, and I noticed the buds are growing in on the trees... yes. Leaves are coming and coming soon. Thank God. Thank God spring is coming. I'm enjoying winters less and less as I get older. The first snow is nice and beautiful and all, but after that... Over it. So welcome Spring! I've missed you.

I finally got around to replacing those sold out prints amongst the tax madness. I added a couple smaller $35 prints so that's fun.


April 4, 20083 Comments

Updates from the Steel City

So just a general update and a get to know me post... but if you get too close I'll just push you away. It's a defense mechanism and it's not my fault... it's not my fault.
I'm working right now on a contribution to Blab! by fantagraphics which is fucking sweet. I used to read those at the comic shop and got so excited by all the art that decorated those pages. It was one of my first introductions to some of my favorite artists and a constant source of inspiration. . Weird thing is, I actually made a mock proposal to Monte Beauchamp, the editor of Blab!, in my "art business" class at Parsons asking to be in the book... but never sent it. Then one day a few months back, I got an email from Monte asking me to be in the next issue and the clouds parted and god reached down and put a sugar-coated gumdrop in my mouth. So it's awesome to actually be involved in it.
Also, I'm included in the new art issue of Trace Magazine. I believe it's issue 81. Anyways, there's a bunch of really great artist included in the issue, so you should check it out. You can also download a digital PDF version of the issue on their website.


I also have some shows coming up this year. The first is a group show coming up in July at Gallery 1988 SF. I only have a couple pieces going out there... but that won't keep from from coming to San Fran for the opening. Any excuse to go out there is a good one. Get a burrito or two.
I have a three-person show with my brother Ben and the awesome Hiro Kurata. I know Hiro from my Parsons days, and he's still one of my favorite artists out there. The show will be opening in October at Black Maria Gallery in Los Angeles.
And after all that, I have only two shows in 2009 and they're both solo shows. Sweet. The first is going to be at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York and in December I'll be showing with ThinkSpace in LA. That should be an amazing year!

March 7, 20085 Comments

Grand Opening Celebration!!

So to celebrate the opening of my new site and to not fume on the bullshit that lead to the closing of the old site, I'm posting a couple new prints to replace some of the sold out prints. Yeah!

You can check out the print here.

Andy Kehoe Art



All Images ©Andy Kehoe


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