March 6, 20082 Comments is dead…. RIP

But now I have!
So after many many countless and fruitless attempts to get my website back from those ass-licking scoundrels at PagesGarden (my web and domain servers) I've given up. They broke me. I am a broken man. I came across a customer review section of good 'ol PagesGarden... and they were not good reviews. They were horrible and frightening. There were a number of people that wrote reviews that were in my same situation and never got replies after months of trying. Wow. So I decided just to put a fork in it and begin a new site. Unfortunately, now I have to inform everyone that had my old web address and email that I've had to change. That fucking blows. So BEWARE!! Stay away from PagesGarden if you plan on putting up a website. They did quite a number on me. Anyways, for all those that find this, my new website address is
and my new email address is:

March 4, 20081 Comment

Shit! My Domain Expired!!!

Oh god... somehow my domain expired and my website is a no go. I thought I paid it but I guess that was a foolish assumption. Well, I just paid to renew it and it's not doing much still. Hopefully it comes back to life in a few moments. Sorry folks! I'm just going to sit here and refresh my website until it comes back. Stressing...

I just checked my billing transactions and I actually paid them in December... what in god's name is going on here? I could cry... and punch someone's teeth out.

**update 2**
8 hours later. Site's still not up and I've gotten no reply. Getting very angry.

February 28, 20083 Comments

Preview Posted for the Safest Place in the World show!!!

I'm leaving on my treacherous journey through the frozen tundra of the midwest to Chicago tomorrow. So I'm posting the preview for the show on my site tonight while I can. It's not directly linked on my site so this is some fun, secret shit we got here. Check it out. the link's below....

the Safest Place in the World

February 23, 20082 Comments

New Beginnings Print

I've had a good number of people ask me if I had prints of this particular piece and damn it all, I gave in. I hope you're happy... I'm happy about it. So I mean that sincerely. I think these acorn guys will be running about nimbly wimbly in upcoming pieces as well so keep an eye out. I'm now getting prepared for my trip to Chicago next week. I have a friend in Chicago that says he feels like the wind is punching him in the face with cold, leather gloves... in so many words. My god. Plus it's supposed to snow that weekend so driving there should be great fun. Pray for me.

Here's a link to the Prints shop

Oh, and sometimes the html pages don't load up on your browers right away, so if you don't see it, simply refresh the page and it will appear like magic.

February 12, 2008No Comments

New Show February 29th… Leap Year Wildness

Hello Hello. Sorry so long for an update, but I've been hard at work for this here show. It's a two person, one-family crackerjack extravaganza featuring myself and my brother Ben... well, not so much an extravaganza... just an art show called "The Safest Place in the World." It's great to have a show with my hermano and the show's shaping up to be a dandy. So if any of you are in the Chicago area, you should drop on by and we'll talk about Chicago things.

January 9, 2008No Comments

Jonathan Viner Opening This Weekend

Jonathan Viner (Weiner) is having a solo exhibit opening this Saturday at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in New York. It should be a great show and anyone in the area should check it out... even I'm driving up to New York from Pittsburgh to drop in on the excitement. And there's sure to be a Viner/Kehoe dance battle at some point, so be sure to stick around for the after party as well. Hopefully he doesn't put my into the Royce Gracie arm bar, pretzel death grapple maneuver that I've heard of him using every now and again... and from what I know, no one's ever escaped that move... yet.

January 8, 2008No Comments


So I heard the world's supposed to end in 2012 according to the Aztec calender or something.... oh wait, just checked and it's the Mayan calender. Whew, almost blew it there. Anyways, not sure if I'm ready for all that mayhem... it's only four years away! That's like going to college, but at the end of four years you don't get a diploma, instead you get a comet in the face, or an alien death ray and everyone dies or explodes or something world-ending like that. I told my sister I'm part of an alien species that's here to scope out all the sensible people in the world and leave all the fundamentalist nutbags here to enact out Revelations chapter by chapter... god knows they've been patiently waiting for it. Wow, come to think of it, that would be almost the opposite of Rapture. But she's extremely frightened of aliens so I think she'd rather stay in Armageddon... that's just crazy. We'll get her to come with us.
There are a lot of really amusing end of the world scenarios out there. Like the one called the Singularity theory where ground breaking discoveries and inventions are made in rapidly spiraling succession until at the end, like 30 major breakthroughs are made in one second and it propels humankind into a new realm of enlightenment! Or something like that. What an orgy of technology and innovation that will be in that final second of human existence! Can imagine that last group of scientists together going nuts?? "Woah! Look what I - Look what you- Woah!! Wooooah!" FLASH! Then after that, who knows? Some say we reach a new plane of understanding with the universe and burst into light beams, or we meld with our computers and evolve with technology into a whole new species. i dont't know... but I kind of like having a body. But this isn't supposed to happen until around 2030 so I'll probably be old and broken by then. Fuck it. I'll live in a computer or bust into stardust. I just hope to get at least one robotic limb before I go.

December 31, 20071 Comment

2008 Here We Come

Happy New Year! Well... almost anyways. Here's the postcard for my next group show coming up at ThinkSpace Gallery in Los Angeles. It's only hanging for 3 days, so for god's sake get in on the action while you can. I've got one piece hanging in the show and it marks a milestone for me. It's the first piece where I've started to use oil paints on top of the usual acrylic paints, and I'm pretty excited about the new possibilities here. It's a whole new world and I'm digging it... and adjusting to the drying time. I'll be posting the piece up after the show opens, so be sure to check back. So I hope everyone has a safe and eventful New Years Eve and if anyone blacks out, that they make it home ok without incident... well, bad incidents I mean. Sexy and somewhat shameful incidents are fully encouraged.

December 11, 2007No Comments

New Prints

So I've added a couple new prints to our shop. Just in time for the holidays if you want to surprise that special someone with a sexy and thoughtful gift to open on that sheepskin rug by the fireplace. Oh man, you'll thank me later. (hi-five) Ben has also posted a new print in our Shop O' Wonders. Check 'em out.

and here's Ben's new Print... he's a sick man I think. Not because of this piece, just in general.

So you can click any of the images to shoot on over to our shop or you can click here if you want to be difficult:

Go to Kehoe Shop the Difficult Way

Awesome, besides that I'm going to be putting a piece into the "Fight for Flight" group show at ThinkSpace opening January 4th 2008. Holy cow... 2008. It benefits the Animal Protection Institute and it's right in time to celebrate National Bird Day. Sweet! I didn't even know there was a National Bird Day but I'm liking it... what other days are out there I don't know about? National Wombat Day would be nice. National Drink Bourbon and Hear What an Idiot You Were The Next Day Day. Always a good one. National Sidney Crosby Day. Oh yeah! Now we're talking.

December 6, 20076 Comments

A New Era

Hi Everyone! So I've decided to move my News section over to Blogspot for a couple reasons. Mainly, so I can update on the road... which happens only a couple times a year, but whatever. And also, it's a lot less of a pain in the ass this way and that's always a good thing.

So a couple of things to bring up here. I have started a Flickr account which is pretty exciting. The link for it is on the top right of this here blog if you want to check it out. Also, I'm going to be coming out with some new prints soon to replace the ones that have sold out. Woopee!

And that's all I got right now. But since I've got this new Blogspot thing.... I can get right back on and waste some more of your time in an instant! I love technology.

Andy Kehoe Art



All Images ©Andy Kehoe


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