February 17, 2017No Comments

Thanks So Much Etsy & Etsy Community!

After some serious deliberation, I've decided to close my Etsy store. For utterly mundane reasons, like keeping tabs of inventory and sales tax, selling my work in multiple stores is proving to be overly complicated and time consuming. So I'm going to focus on my web store and make it the coolest, and dare I say, sexiest place to buy Kehoe art.

It was a super tough decision as I've been with Etsy for 9 years! That's amazing. They've been super wonderful over the years and never stopped improving their platform. Etsy brought me out of the hellhole of programming every bit of my shop in HTML... those were dark and painfully arduous days. So thank you so much Etsy, the Etsy Community, everyone that messaged me, followed my store, liked my items, purchased something from my store, and anything & everything in between! All is very much appreciated. Cheers.

This is the first print I sold on Etsy titled, "Conquering Giants." It was sold to Tara Klurman on August 11, 2008. Hope you're well Tara!


Conquering Giants 


August 17, 2016No Comments

Prints are Live

Beyond the Familiar, Sacred Beast, and Nascent Musings of Incorporeal Design are now live.

You can find them in my Shop and in my Etsy Store.

Also, one more thing to add. I've removed the brown frame option from my shops and added another black frame option. This new black frame is the same one I used to frame the original painting of Eyes of the Wild Wonder for my show. I loved it so much that I wanted to include it as a framing option for my prints. I thought it would be great to have a more decorative option to go along with the simple black frame.

Here's a picture of the new frame option.




August 12, 2016No Comments

Beyond the Familiar Print Release Update


Hello everyone,

So after much deliberation with myself, my wife, Gizmo the dog, and as many cats as would listen to me, I've finally decided to release the Beyond the Familiar print on Wednesday August 17th at 4:00 pm Eastern time. I flirted with the idea of having it printed outside my studio, but the costs would've been too much for everyone involved. So it took a lot of test runs, color correcting, and general tweaking to capture all the subtleties in the piece, but I think I finally nailed it. I wanted it to be right before I announced the release, and I'm very happy with the final results. It's the largest print I've ever released at 22" x 26" so that's pretty exciting. I'm also releasing a couple of the vertical pieces from the show as well.

The prints will be released in both my Shop and my Etsy Store.

Thanks so much! Here are the details:

Beyond the Familiar

Beyond the Familiar
22” x 26” including 1” White Border
Limited Edition of 150
Signed and Numbered

Sacred Beast

Sacred Beast
12” x 22” including 1” White Border
Limited Edition of 120
Signed and Numbered

Nascent Musings of Incorporeal Designs

Nascent Musings of Incorporeal Design
12” x 22” including 1” White Border
Limited Edition of 120
Signed and Numbered

June 29, 20165 Comments

Fantastical Romanticism & Print Release 07.01.16

My latest solo show, Fantastical Romanticism, opened at Jonathan LeVine Gallery last weekend and I couldn't be happier with the results. Thanks so much to the gallery, all the staff, and everyone that helped me get that somewhat heavy artwork on the walls.

I posted all the work from the show on my website, and you can check it out here. Fantastical Romanticism Work

The show will be up until July 23rd, so if you're in the New York area, please stop by and see it in person if you can. It's definitely a different experience in person. More info at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery site.

I'll be releasing my first prints from the show on Friday July 1st, 2016 at 3:00 Eastern Time. Prints will be available in my Web Shop and also in my Etsy Store.

Here are the specs on the prints. Thanks so much!

Eyes of the Wild Wonder

Eyes of the Wild Wonder
14” x 28” including 1” White Border
Limited edition of 150
Signed and Numbered

Multiversal Coalescence

Multiversal Coalescence
20” x 20” including 1” White Border
Limited edition of 150
Signed and Numbered

The Hunter

The Hunter
20” x 20” including 1” White Border
Limited edition of 150
Signed and Numbered

Patrol of the Dusk Warden

Patrol of the Dusk Warden
22” x 18” including 1” White Border
Limited edition of 150
Signed and Numbered

I'll also be releasing a print of Beyond the Familiar in a few weeks with a couple others. It's the largest piece I've ever done, so I'm going to play around with some sizing and printing options before I decide on how to release it. More on that print to come.

Beyond the Familiar

Beyond the Familiar
Print Coming Soon!

September 16, 2015No Comments

Print Release 9.18.15

I'm releasing three prints on Friday, September 18th at 4:00 PM Eastern time. They are prints of work from my recent group shows this summer, and will be the last prints I release this year.

I'm currently hard at work on my upcoming Jonathan LeVine Gallery solo show that opens June 2016. So all my art making efforts will be directed there until next year. June seems like a far way off, but boy does time fly when you're putting a show together. I have some grand ideas planned so I'm excited to get into the thick of it.

Although I will doing a small piece for Thinkspace for Scope Miami 2015 in Art Basel in December.  I'll post more on that when the weather gets chillier.

Here's the info on the prints:


Young is the Night
20" x 20" including 1" White Border
Limited Edition of 120
Signed and Numbered

Eternal Glow of the Celestial Peaks

Eternal Glow of the Celestial Peaks
18" x 22" including 1" White Border
Limited Edition of 120
Signed and Number

An Uncertain Encounter

An Uncertain Encounter
12" x 12" including 1" White Border
Limited Edition of 100
Signed and Numbered

September 11, 2015No Comments

BLAB! and ME

When I was studying Illustration at Parsons, one of my teachers introduced me to these wonderful art books called BLAB!. The first BLAB! I ever saw was the issue with Mark Ryden on the cover, which was also the first time I ever saw the work of Mark Ryden. When I looked through these beautifully printed books, I was introduced to a whole new world of art that was somehow unknown to me and I was immediately inspired. It was illustrative, imaginative, well-crafted, fantastical, and weird. It was just up my alley. Then I learned that many of these artists were actually showing their work in galleries which blew my mind. I had no idea this kind of work was being shown in galleries, and it opened me up to the possibility of showing my own work in a gallery one day. In many ways, BLAB! was responsible for this new direction in my artistic pursuits.

Here are a few BLAB! covers from this time.


Cover by Mark Ryden

BLAB Garcia

Cover by Camille Rose Garcia

BLAB Claytons

Cover by the Clayton Brothers

It was always a dream of mine to contribute to BLAB! one day, and I even wrote a mock proposal to the creator and editor of BLAB!, Monte Beauchamp, in my Parsons Illustration business class. Then a few years after I graduated, Monte contacted me and asked me to contribute some work to BLAB! and the BLAB! Art Show. I was, of course, beyond elated to be involved, and I’ve been contributing art for the BLAB! Shows ever since.

Now we are reaching the 10th BLAB! Show group exhibition, and as always, it’s an honor to once again be involved. The show opens this Saturday, September 12th at Copro Gallery in Santa Monica.

Here’s my piece for the show.


Young is the Night
18” x 18”
Oil, Acrylic, & Resin in Cradled Wood Panel

June 29, 20153 Comments

Small Edition Print Release 07.03.15

I'm going to have my 2nd small edition print release of the summer with, "Invoking the Heart of the Forest." This edition is also at 50. I was planning on releasing this in June, but life has a way of smacking your plans out of your hands and laughing at you as it walks away. Ah well, we're still cool.


Invoking the Heart of the Forest

Here are the details of the release.

Friday July 3rd, 2015 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

Available for purchase through my Etsy Store.

Edition of 50

20" x 20" including 1" white border


Also, I made a post about the making of this painting last year. Here's the post again if you'd like to check it out. http://www.andykehoe.net/blog/2014/6/25/invoking-the-heart-of-the-forest-progression-shots

May 29, 2015No Comments

Resin Print Summer Update

Relish Moments of Glory - Resin Prin

I started making these resin prints back in early 2014, but a couple huge shows rolled in and ended up consuming my existence for most of the year. I ended up finishing the Roamer of the Subterranean Forest resin prints, which sold out, but I never got around to finishing up the other ones, Relish Moments of Glory.

After the art making madness of 2014 cooled down, I started getting back to them and finally finished over half of them. I ended up painting the frames with a nice, bluish gray instead of staining them, so they look a little different this time around. I'm going to have 7 to sell through my Etsy store next week, and then there are 5 more to finish after that. And after those 5 are done, I'm pretty sure I'll never be making these again. I love the way they turned out, and I love having this great blend of print and original painting, but painting the same thing over and over isn't for me. So get them while you can!

The resin prints are 16" x 16" and they'll be selling for $650. There are 12 more left out of the limited edition of 15. 

In case you need a refresher, here's my original blog post of the resin prints. 


Also, if you want to reserve one, you can email me at: andy@andykehoe.net


April 29, 20151 Comment

Small Edition Print Release 05.01.15

I occasionally get requests for prints that I hadn't had initial plans to release through my store. I can't release every single piece as a print though my store, so it's always a tough decision. But when enough people ask about it, I take notice. That being said, I've decided to release some of them through my store as small limited editions of 50 every month for the next few months. The first will be released this Friday May 1st, 2015 at 4:00 Eastern Time. I also have small edition print releases planned for June and July and possibly more going forward. We'll see how these go. 

Here are the details on the first release:

Friday May 1st 2015 at 4:00 PM Eastern Time.

Available for purchase through my Etsy Store.


Through The Tempest

Through the Tempest

22" x 18" Including 1" White Border

Limited Edition of 50


March 5, 2015No Comments

The Frame Game

Cathedral of the Forest Deep FR

In addition to adding 3 new prints on Friday, I'll also be adding a framing option to my Etsy store. The option will be added to the 3 new prints plus most of the current prints available. I'm just starting out with black frames for now, and I'll be adding a brown/natural frame option to the store in the future. 

The frame option will be an additional $120 for large prints and $110 for medium prints with no added charge for shipping. The frames are a nice, solid wood so no cheap plastic crap. I'm also using a white, acid-free, archival mat board with a black core, and UV resistant glass to ensure your print stays as pretty as possible. The back of the frame is sealed and wired so it's ready to hang. Picture hanger hardware included. 

Also, please note that this option is only available for domestic orders in the United States. I thought long and hard on ways to offer them to my international buyers, but the logistics of it were proving to be too complicated and expensive to be worth it for anyone involved. In the end, I figured it would cheaper and less risky for anyone outside of the US to get it framed locally. 

Black 01 Frame Detail

Black 02 Frame Detail

Detail 2

 Here's a look at the white matte with the black core.

Frame back horizontal

Sealed, wired, ready to hang.

Andy Kehoe Art



All Images ©Andy Kehoe


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